Europe 2019

October 13, 2019 – Trento to Bolzano

For today’s ride, our final ride of the trip, we were back in the Adige River Valley heading north this time, to Bolzano once again, “the city of bicycles.”

It being Sunday, we saw many cyclists out for a ride, many of them in full racing kit going at a very fast pace, but also lots of casual cyclists, many of them riding e-bikes. We have to admit that it is rather annoying to be passed by people on e-bikes who appear to be out of shape.

The Adige bike path has a series of helpful, informative signs spaced along the route.

After riding for a couple of hours it was time for a bicigrill break so conveniently situated adjacent to the bike path.

Just before entering the outskirts of Bolzano we stopped for a short break at a picnic table alongside the bike path. It was a peaceful spot, with only the sound of the river flowing close by. Soon, the sounds of the city would envelop us.

We have two nights in Bolzano and then we take the train back to the starting point of our cycling journey near Munich.