Yellowstone Diary 2018

July 20, 2018

This morning found four Junction Butte wolves heading east in the Lamar Valley. We moved from the “Trashcan” pull-out (all the pullouts are named by the “Wolfers” so they can figure out where a sighting is made from) to “Exclosure” by the confluence of Soda Butte Creek and the Lamar River for a closer and better view. From there we watched three black wolves and one grey for a couple of hours. At one point, we noticed a couple of Bull Bison traversing the slope behind us. They got real close and there was no place to go. We gave them all the room we could, moving off the trail and down the steep slope, standing still and talking softly to them as they slowly walked by. I think they wanted to use the trail we were on but it seems they decided it would be too close to us “dangerous humans” if they used the trail.

Then we moved on but quickly spotted a Coyote hunting squirrels near the Confluence.

I watched him make three kills then he headed up the north side into the rocks. I talked to him as he was climbing and he stopped to take a look at me.

Then we hiked up to Trout Lake. Guess what we saw?

Yes, Trout but also a Mallard and her charges.

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